The audiovisual sector analyses how to tackle the COVID-19 crisis
It is at the beginning of the year when producers, service companies, technical and creative professionals kick-off most of their projects for the period ahead. Thus, the timing of this disruption is playing havoc to their finances.
Andalucía Film Commission in coordination with the professional and business associations operating in the Andalusian audiovisual industry, i.e. Ancine, AAMMA, Asecan, PECAA, Procinema, Tesa and Tesea (see full descriptions below) have produced a comprehensive report including full details of how the stagnation affects the shoots and audiovisual projects in Andalucía. A new specific plan on how to palliate the negative effects of this crisis will be drafted jointly and submitted to the Andalusian regional government in order to suggest a number of stimulus measures aimed at compensating the problems that will potentially hinder their efforts to resume business as usual.
According to the data collected so far, a total of 119 audiovisual projects have been cancelled or stagnated since the Covid-19 crisis kicked off in Spain and globally. More specifically, there were 25 long feature films, 17 documentaries, 2 animation long films, 9 TV series and documentaries, 22 TV programmes, 19 advertising pieces, 1 online series, 6 short films, 7 musical video clips and 11 miscellanea such as auxiliary projects or photo and video shoots. Of these 119 cancellations, 72% are Spanish projects and 28% are international productions.
Another collateral effect of the Covid-19 disruption up to now has affected the preparatory work and investment related to the 4 premieres scheduled for this period, whilst the premieres planned for the near future are still to be accounted for.
Last year, the shoots located in Andalucía brought to this region over 130 M euros and created more than 23.500 jobs. If we act promptly and design additional promotion campaigns, this industry will be reactivated.
The audiovisual industry and their professional services are a substantial and tangible vector of the Andalusian economy. They create both direct and indirect jobs and contribute to promoting the image of Andalucía, its culture and people. Therefore, the government should be sensitive with our sector.
As with the situation in other industries, support and reassurance measures must also be implemented in the audiovisual sector in order to avoid cease of operations and cancellation of projects in which the investment has already been materialized.
AFC is working in this direction with the Andalusian Network of Film-Friendly Cities managed by local and provincial authorities.
AFC has deployed a communication line to provide immediate information on:
- A proposal submitted to the local authorities, the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and all the concerned departments of the Regional Government to apply a waiver of the shooting fees during the year after the State of Alarm.
- AFC will offer Canal Sur (Andalusian television and radio) news services an update on this situation.
- AFC will provide consultancy services on how to ramp up all projects, both old and new, once the crisis is over.
- Additionally to the national support measures, AFC will ask the Andalusian Ministry of Tourism for their support to organize a new promotion plan including fam trips and advertisements in specialized journals.
- The Regional Government should study the deployment of special stimulus measures in accordance with the Film Law currently in force.
- A meeting of the insurance companies with the labour and tax companies will be requested in order to find a solution in which the weight of the cancellations does not fall exclusively on the shoulders of the producers.
AFC believes that if the appropriate measures are in place, Andalucía will maintain and even improve its international leadership as preferred location for shoots as well as tv and film tourism destination.
State of Alarm providing, a meeting will be called bringing together the audiovisual industry, the Regional Government and the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces to tackle the problem with solutions that build trust and empower all the audiovisual industry stakeholders.
ANCINE, Andalusian Association of Film Producers
ASECAN, Andalusian Association of Film Writers
AAMMA , Andalusian Association of Women in Audiovisual Media
PECAA, Andalusian Platform of Creators and Entrepreneurs
PROCINEMA, Association of Film Producers and Entrepreneurs in Málaga
TESA, Association of Audiovisual Companies and Technicians in Almería
TESEA Professional Association of Audiovisual Technicians in Sevilla
For more info please contact:
Piluca Querol
Sara Dominguez
AFC Activity Report :